Amateur Acting

This is my amateur acting page. Although amateur acting is generally (and necessarily) excluded from any ‘respectable’ CV for Spotlight or the like, I nevertheless feel that this is only slightly less significant, with regard to my prospects as a professional actor, than the clips on my professional acting page: not having gone to drama school, I have been lucky enough to be able to use my amateur acting rôles as an environment in which I could develop my acting skills over a period of twelve years (to date). It is also fair to say that more than a few now well-established professional actors started, and honed their particular talents in amateur theatre, and are quite happy (and, indeed, feel it is their duty) to acknowledge this.

Perhaps unusually, I came to amateur acting from professional background acting, but one of the leading lights of Whitby Amateur Dramatic Society (WADS for short), David White, who also worked regularly as an SA (supporting artist) on one of the commercial productions made locally, Heartbeat, as did I, suggested that I might enjoy stage work, which I hadn’t done since school, and of course, he was right. I joined WADS in 2003 and since then, I have been involved in 21 productions to date (so I’ve now come of age!); sadly, David White passed away in December 2003, but I am very grateful to him for his support and encouragement in those early days. Currently, the Society does not have a website.

I also joined the Apollo Players, of which David White had earlier also been a leading member for many years, in 2003, and over the next few years, I acted in six pantomimes and summer productions. Follow the links at the top of the page for a full list of each group’s productions in which I acted.