
None of the characters in this play by the Teesside author, Gordon Steel, has a family name, a not uncommon device, intended perhaps to convey a sense of familiarity with them to the audience. It could be described as a kitchen sink drama, although there is plenty of comedy in the characters and the situation. Harry and his wife Doreen (Alethea Estill) are snobs, but their world is revealed to be all surface gloss at the end of the play. Harry is also rather self-obsessed, considering himself to be a magnet for the ladies, so it was fun basing him on some real-life examples! The vocal characteristics of the fictional character Boycie from the television comedy series Only Fools and Horses were a good place to start. As usual, the way the British doggedly and rather slavishly observe the festival of Christmas provides the background for the pathos of the plot.