Wishee Washee

Back to the evergreen standards for this one, but inevitably, this script by Angela Cook (©October 2005) had plenty of local references that the regular characters could use. My character, who is Aladdin’s brother and, although perhaps slightly lacking in the ‘grey cell’ department, is otherwise a ‘fixer’ with a heart of gold.

In addition to all the customary (and, it has to be said, expected, or even, dare I say it, engineered!) performance mishaps (without which no pantomime would be complete), on one memorable night, my vigorous and enthusiastic entry into the mangle in the obligatory laundry scene was slightly mistimed (for which I take no responsibility whatsoever Milud) and I ended up in a heap of flailing limbs on the stage, figuratively laughing my head off, which I think the rest of the cast enjoyed as much (if not more, given the way mistakes are normally greeted) as the audience!